Profile PictureLeo Bu

Everyone is an artist, and you just need to recall it now and then. The 7 years old daughter asked her father, Howard Ikemoto, what he does at work. He said, “I worked at the college, and my job was to teach people how to draw.” Incredulous, she stared back at him and said, “You mean they forget?”  What a lovely story, isn't it? Once I pushed myself so hard to design something, it turned out to be some piece of XXXX. However, when I played some experimental games, some people told me Wow, that looks good… So, I can’t be a designer as I thought to be, but maybe I can be a discoverer. From now on, when you see anything new in my store, it does not mean to be a brag that hey, look what I‘ve designed, but I’ve found something exciting, and maybe you want to take a look at it.  Go play and have some fun, you too. If you think my discovery is interesting, you can talk to me on Twitter @LeoBu22, or write me an E-mail. I’m pretty sure that there’s something common between us already. I’m keen to meet you there.